Check this out:
This is a drawing of a proposed shoe, done by one Donna Pick of Sammamish, WA*, that I found on this site. Look carefully at that shoe. Now, imagine it in whatever color you think appropriate, on your foot, which is wearing -- of course -- your very own handknit sock. Is this not the perfect shoe to showcase our socks? (I'm rather taken with the colors shown, although I know I would probably never buy it in those colors because they would detract from my socks. But I digress.)
I found the site from Fleece Street, which I found from Ryan's post here. (The internet! Down the rabbit hole again!) The site belongs to a shoe designer/manufacturer/retailer who is apparently also a really cool and original person. Wander around there. I guarantee you'll be intrigued. Who'd've thought of open source shoes?
I put a long comment for this shoe on his site extolling the shoe's virtues and its high marketability to sock knitters. I even linked to the Blue Moon/Nastybank story from last January to point out just how many sock knitters there must be out there.
Here's your assignment: go look at that shoe, and if you agree with me that it is the perfect handknit-sock-showing-off shoe, vote for the shoe and leave a comment saying why. Let's get their attention. I.Want.This.Shoe. and if I have to make some noise to get it into production, I will :-) Maybe I need to get another contest going? We'll see...
And if you like the shoe and the idea that we could get it produced, talk it up on your blog! Let's get the word out! I'm just a tiny spark in the blogosphere but the power of the internet and knitbloggers is tremendous. To paraphrase Margaret Mead, "Never doubt the power of a small group of thoughtful people to change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
And while I have your attention, I also love this shoe:
Totally too high-style for me, and I would need an entire new wardrobe to wear with them, but I love 'em anyway. However, they are $319 (Yikes!). So they will remain just a dream...
* Once again, the power of the internet. A little judicious googling and I found Donna herself! She is also a knitter and -- gasp! -- a former yarn store owner. Hi, Donna, and I hope (totally selfishly, I must admit) that your shoe goes into production.