Finished a book yesterday, The Exception. Excellent. Disturbing. Nasty. Still thinking about it. Go read about it here, the plot description is better than I could do. The depiction of evil and its effects in everyday life is chilling.
Before that, I read Invisible Prey by my favorite author. The Prey novels are soooo good -- intelligent and clever and absorbing. Besides which, Lucas Davenport so rocks! I like the Kidd novels, too, almost as much. Last year Sandford tried his hand at a political thriller. Not to put too fine a point on it, it sucked. Big-time. Hard to believe that someone who writes the best police procedurals/thrillers ever can write such a dud in a slightly different genre. Go figger.
Query for any other Prey readers out there: when, not if, one or more of these is made into a movie, who do you see playing Lucas? My pick is Ed Harris, who doesn't fit the physical description of Lucas at all but somehow seems perfect to me. Another internet friend said she always pictures Nick Mancuso; physically right, although I had to google a bit before I knew who he was.
WTF? I just checked IMDb to see if there was perhaps a movie already out there or in the works, and I found this. I'm sorry. Lucas is NOT black, especially in MN.
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Ya know what this is?
This is what 270 worsted-weight stitches on a 32" circ look like. It's Red Scarf #2, a lengthwise-knit scarf. I like to think it looks a bit like chocolate-covered cherries. Maybe I'll include some in the package.