No, you are not in the wrong place. I'm channeling Norma.
A few days ago Last week Norma did the bestest post, wherein in she quoted a sentence from each of the many blogs she reads. Since I am a shameless thief I am brain dead imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I am gonna copy her.
Here goes:
- “Oh, by the way…” he said, walking back to the front step. “You wanna get married?”
- In other breaking news, liquid water was spotted in the wild yesterday.
- I'm doing this twice a day during this trip to keep my resistance up and fight any emerging bugs that might be sticking to the windshield of my Prius.
- Although I agree that sad mutant babies deserve mittens just as much as regular babies, I was aiming for a regular mitten.
- I really have no feelings for Colin Firth.
- For those of you keeping track of my parking/snow removal saga this season, you can add another tally mark in the Oh, I Just Give Up column.
- “I hope your class is also covering the more important KSL, Mom, because the big kitty and I are getting plenty tired of having to communicate with you via these photo captions!”
- If she has to pee at all, that's a different story.
- In the end, I decided that the only thing I really collect is...yarn.
- I really thought that mattress stitch would change my life.
- And heel gussets to make one weak in the knees?
Some of these are from blogs you probably already read. Perhaps one or two of them will introduce you to someone new. They are all over a week old. In any case, this was a fun post to put together.
Even though TypePad ate the first draft. Apparently they read my praise of their service in a comment somewhere and decided it was time for the universe to exact its revenge.