Don't panic, you are in the right place. I repainted the walls here at Le Blog du Chat (no, I don't speak French -- how could you tell?) That brownish-orange at the sides is the same color as the walls of my office at home, the home on the lake that I haven't seen ::sob:: in about ten years. The new theme reminds me of home. [/pity party]
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A couple weeks ago I joined Chris and Jeanne for their regular Wednesday night knitting. Cursing Mama was there, too, but Deb was home nursing a sick husband. I could tell you about the wine and what everyone was knitting and what we giggled about, but I know what you are all really interested in: kmkat got to meet Chaos! and Mayhem!
Yes, it's true, I did. And I am going to reveal the dark truth about those two famous black felines. They may be extremely fond of Chris, but they have a deep distrust of strangers, even strangers bearing yarn and Addis.
Chaos kept a watchful eye on me from the top of the cat tree.
His gaze was the pure definition of baleful.
I swear I got multiple pictures of May, too, but they have mysteriously disappeared from my camera. I think my batteries were failing; or maybe it was May's magical powers of disappearance, I don't know.
When I first arrived, May came to investigate me. Being well-versed in the manners of cats, I held out my hand and let her sniff me thoroughly. Once that ritual was played out, she deigned to let me scratch her under the chin and pet her, much to Chris and Jeanne's surprise. Apparently May is generally not that tolerant of strangers offering affection.
Then I broke the the unwritten rule -- I picked her up. She let me know, albeit very politely and without claws or teeth or any unnecessary violence, really, that she didn't care to be picked up and would I pleasepleaseplease put her down Right Now? So I did.
She was very interested in my knitting and Addis all evening, though. Luckily for me, Chris is attentive to Mayhem's destructive interest in such things (nom, nom! snickety snick! tooth marks on the Addis! yarn now in multiple pieces!) and warned me (repeatedly; I was all oblivious to the danger lurking at my elbow) when she got too close.
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Awhile back I won one of Jeanne's prizes for knitting preemie caps. She brought these prizerly goodies to our knit night for me. (Not Tabby; she's been mine since 1992.) Jeanne gave me some fine chocolate (yeah, like there is any other kind) and a wonderful Debbie Bliss book. Can you tell which one of those two chocolate wrappers is actually empty? Didn't think so. I'm soooooo sneaky; I opened the milk chocolate one v-e-r-y carefully so I could recreate its original pristine-ness when I could take a photo. Thank you, Jeanne! and thank you for helping me not to break my no-yarn-in-2008 pledge.
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Speaking of contests, it's about time for one here, don't you think? Take a gander at this photo and give me a caption. Yes, before you ask, that is Chaos under the ottoman and Chris* with the knitting.
Random number generators are fine and good, but for this one I'm gonna go all subjective and judgemental on you and pick the caption that makes me laugh until coffee comes out my nose. I may ask Chris's opinion, or I may not. I'm quirky that way.
You can put your entry in the comments, or, if you don't want any of your own personal inspiration leaking all over the other contestants, you may email it to me privately at antlerkat-typepad AT yahoo DOT com. Deadline is, um, midnight CDT, Friday, March 21. Prize TBD, but it will definitely include something fibery and something chocolatey. And maybe something furry and purring... the winner will just have to wait and be surprised.
*Chris thinks I either should have cropped out her entire face or left it all in. I like to think my half face crop is way oh so artsy-fartsy and creative and gives it a sense of immediacy and stuff. What say y'all?