You know what sucks? Food poisoning sucks. I spent all day either suffering diarrhea (I knew you wanted to know) or sleeping or taking my temperature (101.4 degrees at the highest) or simply lying in my bed moaning and whimpering. Now, at 8:30 p.m., I feel better than I have since 8 a.m. this morning. Still weak and tired and with a tiny fever, but time and OTC meds have taken care of the worst.
Tomorrow I shall post. Lots to say -- new camera, #1 back to NYC, socks OTN. But for now I think I'll go back to bed.
In the meantime, here is the yarn that is currently making me happy. I'm knitting a pair of very warm socks by holding together a strand of the beige Mega-Boot stretch and a strand of the Online green/black/blue tweed.