- Sleepy :: time tea
- Thanksgiving :: Day
- Fifteen :: years old
- Authority :: sucks
- Bangs :: guns
- Curled :: bangs
- Young man :: old man
- Surprised :: delighted
- Mistake :: oops
- Handle it :: please
* * * * *
The new improved Typepad now makes it more difficult for me to respond to my commenters. If you have a TypePad blog, please click on the "signout" option above the comment box when you comment.* Otherwise, your comment lands in my email with a sender of "[email protected]." And I cannot reply.
And now I find that I cannot change the font or font size of this post by using the handy font and font size buttons. It is too piddly to do it with html so you will get this post in this teeny size.
Sux x2.
* This was Cookie's solution. However, her TypePad blog is a step above mine, which is the $4.95/month El Cheapo version. I don't see the signout option on my blog. Arghhhh.