- Destined :: for greatness
- FAIL :: blog (Have you seen the FAIL blog? V. funny.)
- Camping :: Wyoming
- Only you :: for me
- Incessant :: muttering
- Tomorrow :: will be better
- Impressive :: rack
- Riches :: rags
- Dislike :: Karen*
- Speaker :: of the House
* Karen was a girl in my class, kindergarten to 9th grade. I did not like her; she was competition. And a bitch on wheels, cleverly disguised as a *good* girl. Any Karens reading this, please know that I am not referring to you and that I harbor no ill will to anyone bearing that name. Except the original Karen. She can go suck rocks.
* * * * *
I started a pair of socks.
I couldn't fix the color in the photo. The blue/green/turquoise is accurate, the solid color yarn is not. Here is a better shot from the Blue Moon website:
You may well ask what possible reason did I have to cast on for these when Maggie's fingerless gloves are not done (why, yes, they ARE a Christmas present, thank you for asking) and I haven't even started Andrew's mittens yet?
It was a knitting emergency! Matthew and Maggie arrived on Saturday night and we were all heading out the door to go to dinner and I needed something to knit in the car. My head filled with panic and hard choices. Should I bring along Maggie's mitts and reveal her Christmas present in all the glory of its unfinishedness? Should I attempt some version of Kinnear knitting, hiding my hands under the table so she cannot see what I am knitting? What to do, what to do?
Fortuitously, I had long ago wound the tweedy Online yarn into two equal balls, and the STR was likewise wound, albeit in one ball. Good to go. We had a pleasant dinner at Little Mexico in Siren, Wisconsin, home of perhaps the only F3 tornado to strike this far north.
* * * * *
Today, Sunday, we opened Christmas presents. I handed Maggie my emergency knitting bag and told her to dig for her present. She tried on the first mitt, done except for being thumbless, and pronounced it good.
So the socks are retired until I finish mitt #2 and add thumbs to both.
Among other things, Andrew got a man scarf and Matthew got a mini-tool kit which included a tape measure.
Andrew wrapped up his old computer and gave it back to Smokey, who wanted it for parts.
Life is good.