New favorite: Fleet Foxes (the song, not the video).
#1 son turned me on to this group when he was home for Christmas; he copied over a bunch of music from his iTunes to mine. He has plenty to share:
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Of Bacon and Buccaneers: A Sandwich Tutorial (by Melanie).
Hilarious. Hint: it involves Johnny Depp/Captain Jack Sparrow. While you are over there you might want to check out the rest of the newly-opened Women's Colony.
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Some recent chuckles. I sent this to the rest of the family:
#1 son sent me this in return:
And more with the lolcats:
One last chuckle. Remember Thursday, the day The Storm Of The Century occurred? In the afternoon I emailed #2 son that I wouldn't be coming to Minneapolis; we had planned to go out for dinner that night. Our subsequent email exchange:
#2: Tell me about it, I was biking out at the Guthrie around noon when mother nature decided to take a big white poop on me.
me: LOL! Poor baby, I shouldn't laugh, but "...mother nature decided to take a big white poop on me" cracked me up.
#2: Hehe, it's alright, I'm here to entertain.
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Mutterings on a Sunday:
- Pain :: in the butt.
- Lego :: bricks.
- Trooper :: Starship.
- Flicker :: bird.
- Character :: Disney.
- Determined :: anxious.
- Wing :: Bird.
- Control :: Automatic.
- Automatic :: transmission.
- Yeah :: Oh, yeah.