I picked up the stitches for the right front on the Einstein child sweater.
If you have made this sweater, or the adult version, you may notice that I have changed the front slightly. I omitted the overlap in the lower portion (blue), instead knitting it so it will exactly meet in the front. The upper front (gold) will have three buttons and buttonholes and will overlap appropriately. Somehow that seemed a better, more current, design than the original. Not that there was anything wrong with the original, you understand. Sally Melville, if you are reading this (yeah, right), please forgive me.
I also found the perfect pattern on Ravelry and the perfect yarn in my stash for a stealth project. The intended recipient may read my blog, I'm not absolutely sure, so I will not reveal any details until the item is knit and blocked and received on the other side of the world. (Hello, Eleanor!)
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Smokey's co-worker Dan, with whom he works all his regularly scheduled night shifts, has a small farm where he and his wife raise chickens, goats, bunnies, a large garden, two dogs, two cats, and three children. Remember the pink and white baby hat? That was for Dan's newest progeny.
Smokey buys eggs from Dan. This morning he -- Smokey, not Dan -- made me breakfast.
I don't know if it is apparent to you in the photo, but the yolk of that egg is way, way more colorful than the yolk on any store-bought egg. Mmmm. Smokey says they taste more egg-y, too, but I couldn't tell. Need to do more research, which will be easy because we have nearly three dozen (that's 34!) more off these little hummers in the fridge. Anybody got some good egg recipes?
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Hannibal missed some intense feeder action yesterday. He was sleeping elsewhere.
Don't tell him, okay? He would be all depressed and waaaahhhhh! And we don't want that...