I hung a new hummingbird feeder.
As you can see, it is blue. We all know that hummers prefer red, but I prefer blue. It remains to be seen whether the hummers can be persuaded to use this feeder. I shall be able to keep close track of what happens, however, since I hung right outside my office window.
Will that little red tip on the feeding tube be sufficient to attract hummers? Stay tuned.
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After finishing the stealth project (more on that once it has been mailed and received) I cast on for a sock.
Why did I choose these colors? I have no idea; I bought this yarn a couple years ago and its reasons are lost in the mists of time. After knitting on it for eight hours or so, I am becoming rather fond of the tiger-like colors and striping. Tiger-like, that is, only if tigers have brownish-purple stripes.
The most notable thing about the socks is the fiber content of the yarn.
I wanted to try knitting some non-winter socks. This yarn feels like cotton, albeit a somewhat harsh, hard cotton. Once knit, though, the sock fabric feels fine on my foot. It may soften up when washed; that remains to be seen. The yarn is annoyingly splitty, which makes fixing a mistake problematic. Not that I ever make mistakes, you understand, I'm just sayin'.
The other item of interest about these socks is that I am knitting them toe-up, using Wendy's free Generic Toe-Up Sock Pattern. (Thank you, Wendy, O Goddess Of Socks!) That is the one where you do a provisional cast-on starting on top of the toe at the beginning of the toe decreases, do a short-row toe, then pick up the stitches from the provo cast-on and continue up the foot as usual. I quite like it, mainly because it is so darned clever. But it also eliminates the need to learn any weird Eastern/Turkish/magic cast-on. I will learn those... eventually.
Question for those of you who always do a short-row heel: do you get holes along the line of wrapped stitches, especially on one side? Like this? (click to embiggify)
Big holes: Tiny holes:
Am I doing something wrong? I did pick up and knit the wrap during the second half of the short-row toe and heel as instructed, but I only picked up one of the two wraps because it seemed too hard to knit both. If I do have to pick up and knit both, please tell me. The holes just don't seem... right.