Here is a game that my kids and I totally should have thought of back when we were fostering kittens every summer:
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Is anyone else having trouble using their TypeKey id when trying to submit a comment on a blogspot/blogger blog? I have been unable to do that since ::counts on fingers:: last Thursday. What is particularly galling is that when I try, I get a TypePad "Oops" screen asking me what I was doing when the error occurred; when I type in "trying to submit a comment on a blogspot/blogger blog using my TypeKey id" and click on "submit", I get the exact same screen back minus my typing. In other words, my error submission doesn't go anywhere. There is even a little box to check if you want a reply from TypePad. Needless to say, I have gotten no responses to those error submissions.
I finally went the the TypePad site and submitted the error on their generic "Contact us" screen. I did get a reply, but the person said she could not find any errors that had occurred. Well, duh, the error submission doesn't work.
I have replied to her with the facts I outlined about. What are the odds that TypePad will actually investigate the problem? and solve it?
In the meantime I have to submit comments using my Blogger id, which I suspect is why I am not getting many replies to my comments; I do not think it includes my email address. I have to do it this way because I am always logged in to Blogger because I am logged into Google Reader and Gmail.
So, all you people with blogspot/blogger blogs? (Deb, Jocelyn, Cindy, cursingmama, Ruth, Big Alice, Mel, I'm looking at you.) (I'm looking at a bunch of others, too, but I got tired of linking.) What does this look like from your end?
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Horror. Younger Son, the one who bikes five miles to work in downtown Minneapolis every day, just phoned. A bicyclist was crushed by a semi at 14th & Park this morning. The online bike forums are buzzing. Younger Son is extremely safety conscious in his riding, but still. Horror.
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As many of you know, Claudia raises money for MS research in the annual MS ride. Generous knitters made her the #1 fundraiser last year, and she is aiming to do something similar this year. Last year I was lucky enough to win the grand prize, a beautiful gray alpaca shawl donated by Angela.
After winning such a gorgeous prize last year I felt I needed to help out this year.
I bought this off eBay. Then I found my copy. Duh.
Then another package arrived in the mail. It seems I bought it TWICE on eBay. Double duh.
As good as this book is, I definitely do not need three copies. Two of them are going out as prizes in Claudia's MS fundraising raffle/ride.
So go! Donate! Win a prize! Besides my dumbass books, Grumperina has offered to knit a pair of socks for a winner, and there are other books and fun kits and gorgeous yarns waiting to be won. Let's help out MS research, since we all know what MS would do to a knitter.