Did you see the Clustrmap in my [unbelievably cluttered] sidebar? I spotted that little bugger on someone else's blog -- I think it was soxanne's (yeah, I have been stealing from here on a regular basis lately) -- and snapped it up for mine own. You should, too. It shows where in the world your readers are located.
On the map above I can see Erika and beentsy and Heather and Carrie and Elizabeth and Eleanor (others, too, but if you are on the East Coast or the Upper Midwest, you are hard to pick out).
But this? This totally amazed me.
There have been comments from South Africa and England -- and at least one other country besides the US and Canada and Australia that escapes my memory at the moment -- but Ghana? Lithuania? Romania? Afghanistan? Wowzers, I had no idea.
Okay, you international lurkers, time for you to speak up in the comments: who are you and did you get here? Kurious Katâ„¢ wants to know.