I woke up this morning feeling what my father used to call "punk" -- ouchies in the midsection. This was really too bad, as abdominal ouchies can generally be cured by a good long session in the bathroom. Not these, though. Nothing was gonna help these ouchies. The timing was unfortunate as I had planned to run a bunch of errands today.
Smokey took one look at me, pale and wan in the bed, and decided that he would take care of the errands -- pay the first half of the property taxes, due today; pick up the dog meds at the vet that we forgot when we were there a couple weeks ago (more on that another time); buy dog food; take the recycling to the recycling center, etc., etc., etc.
By the time he left I felt worse. After he had been gone awhile I was in tears because the pain in my midsection was Making Me Very Unhappy. Underneath it all was the fear that whatever it was that led to the gall bladder ultrasound and the pancreas CT scan in December Was Back and that I would be dead within the month.
Eventually I took my temperature and discovered I had a slight fever -- yay! I have an infection of some kind, a bug! Not cancer! W00t!
Appendicitis seemed a possibility. Generalized pain in the upper abdomen and fever. Hmmm. I was on the verge of calling Smokey on his cell -- hoping that he had his cell phone turned ON; he is often reluctant to do so -- and having him come home and take me to the emergency room. But the thought of crawling the 15 feet from my bed to the phone was just too much. I lay there and worried and moaned and cried and felt really, really sorry for myself.
I realized I was thirsty, so took a sip from the water bottle by my bed.
And immediately felt the upper abdominal spasms... relax!
It was a medical miracle, I tell you! I took a few more sips for good measure and suddenly I could relax and fall asleep. Nurse Hannibal, aka The Fluffball Of Doom, curled up tightly next to my face to ensure pleasant dreams. By 6 pm I was able to be up and even consider a light supper.
And that is how I spent my Monday. How about you?