The secretary of the county fair society is also on the county board of supervisors with me, and at the July county board meetin she sold the supervisors raffle tickets. Being a good citizen I bought a book of five tickets.
I was rather hoping for the 32" flat screen TV but had decided that if we won half a hog we would keep some of the pork chops and bacon and give the rest to the food shelf.
I did not win either of those things. What I did win:
What is Remington 870 Express, you may ask?
Yep. It's a pump-action 12-gauge... shotgun.
Just what I always wanted. Not.
However, I did have the option taking cash instead: $150. According to several retail websites I checked, the gun retails for upwards of $300; I guess I got the wholesale value. Whatever.
I'm a winner!