Mary Lou says she cannot comment on my blog. She has tried both Firefox and Explorer and neither works. (Based on that I am pretty sure she is on a PC, as MS has not supported IE for Mac in several years.) I use Chrome on a Mac so I am not much help to her.
Anyone else having problems? Ideas? You can get my email address by clicking on "About" near the top of the right-hand sidebar and hovering over the "Email Me" link.
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In that same vein, I have changed my primary email account from Yahoo to Gmail. Yahoo finally gave me one too many error messages a couple weeks ago. Straw, camel's back, etc.
If you comment here your comment will go to the new gmail account. If you have me in your address book, please update.
Thank you for your support.
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Smokey bought me/us a new printer/scanner for our anniversary last month. We finally set it up last week, only to discover the computer and the new hardware would not talk to each other. Frustration followed.
This weekend Matthew The TechnoGeek Genius was here so I asked him to fix it. He spent about 30 seconds, only to come back to me and say it was working fine without him doing anything. I told him to print something from Word to be sure (that was what I had tried to do unsuccessfully). It worked fine FOR HIM.
Yay! and Grrrr! I hate when that happens -- it makes me feel so stoopid, just like when I have struggled with something, usually electrical, and Smokey does EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS I DID and it works perfectly for him. Yay! and Grrr!
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The new printer is an HP, and I salute that company for their packaging. Inside the carton were zero plastic bags. The printer itself was encased in a large, lightweight black reuseable tote bag labeled Ecosolutions; the cord and cartridges were in a small zipper bag of the same material. Tragically, they still used styrofoam blocks to hold the printer in place in the carton.
If this was a marketing ploy on HP's part, it is working. I have told everyone I know about it, including all six of you ;-)
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Smokey just told me that it is deer season in MN. All you Minnesotans, break out your blaze orange immediately: there are people out there WITH GUNS!
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Now, as a reward for wading through the above, I give you a couple screen shots I found in my blog folder. Can't remember if I posted them before so I'll do it now.