A Simple Things shawlette/scarf from two skeins of Koigu for Jen, our now-former librarian. In September she moved to La Crosse, where she manages the circulation desk at the central library.
Finished off a long-standing UFO with attached i-cord and an i-cord bindoff. That i-cord thing had kept it in UFO status since 2005; I finally found some better directions and conquered it. I gave the felted bag to Alex and Matthew as a market bag, since the red coat I had selected the colors to coordinate with was ancient history by the time I finished it.
Finished another major project that had been OTN for nearly a year. Triumph!
There was a plethora of were eight hats that went to senators and representatives in Washington for Warm Hats, Not Hot Heads.
Two pairs of felted slippers for a friend's birthday. The pattern as written did not turn as well as it might have; that is why the second pair. It was NOT the Fiber Trend pattern for felted clogs, but it should have been; that pattern is a well-written classic.
Made two headbands in Malabrigo worsted for Alex: two for same reason as above, although this was my own design. This was my first experience with Malabrigo. Nice stuff.
March = taxes = working. A lot of working, not so much with the knitting.
Worked on a Citron of Misti Alpaca Hand Paint sock yarn for our assistant librarian.
No knitting on my blog in April. None, zero, zip, zilch. Apparently I was too brain-dead from taxes to do any real knitting, so I swatched several wool-cotton blends for possible future sweaters. The swatches made it to the blog in early May.
After I had recovered (most of) my brain cells, I cast on for my first lace project, Haruni, for Alex using Dream in Color laceweight and my new Signature US#4 needle.
Finished the pair of socks that I had cast in back in February, right before I went back to work (left), and made another pair (right).
There was also a water bottle cozy that, while stunningly* and awesomely** attractive, did not insulate as well as I had hoped.
* Irony.
** More irony.
The Citron was finished, thanks to a second skein of yarn provided by a new friend I have never met.
Prepared for packing Lucy The Wonder Dog's meds when we went on vacation.
Vacation, and the Haruni knitting continued. I learned the inestimable value of life lines, pattern tape, row counters, careful chart reading, and an abundance of stitch markers.
Worked on two scarves for The Red Scarf Project.
Knit a whack of squares for Trailing Yarn's Blankets for Birmingham, but only these made it onto the blog in August. ***
Finished the two red scarves, which still languish -- unblocked, unloved, and unmailed -- on my laundry room table.
We spent a week on the North Shore, and I cast on for a Tappan Zee for myself.
Crocheted a case for my new Nook.
Most significantly, I began the bindoff of the Haruni.
Back at work in September. The blog and my knitting suffered.
Kept working on my Tappan Zee, which suffered more frogging and reknitting than any garment should. But the yarn -- Brooks Farm Acero -- came through like a trooper.
Found a couple dropped stitches in the Haruni bindoff. Sewed them down.
The shawl hit the big-time, being displayed at a one-day yarny festival nearby.
October & November.
Knitted constantly during these two months, although you would never have guessed from reading my blog.
Started a sweater for Ser Percival The Energetic.
Started a scarf for Alex. Frogged it when it wasn't working (bad design, not bad knitting) and I couldn't see any way to make it better.
Made it to the armholes on Tappan Zee after even more frogging and reknitting.
Started a sweater for a co-worker's baby due January 1. Photo of the finished sweater has vanished from my iPhoto, although I know I took one, and apparently I never blogged the FO.
Started a different scarf for Alex with the same Kill Bill yarn and another new Signature needle.
Finished Percy's sweater.
Started a hat for Alex. It really will be a hat, even though it bears no resemblance to a head in this photo.
Started (and will finish before midnight today) a pair of blurry, cabled fingerless mitts for Alex. For extra credit, find the mis-crossed cable, which is has since been fixed.
Doing this post made me realize I did accomplish a fair bit of knitting this year. The disappointing ratio of FOs to actual knitting resulted from more frogging and tinking and reknitting than I am used to, but that meant I was trying some new things -- my first lace, a somewhat poorly designed sweater pattern (Tappan Zee) that needed some tweaking, designing a dog sweater on the fly. So I will count this year as a win!
*** It appears that a great number of photos may have mysteriously disappeared from my iPhoto, the pictures of the stack of completed squares among them. I had noticed this a couple months ago when I went looking for the photos of the Haruni taken while I worked on it during our vacation in Wyoming. I'm not sure whether to blame iPhoto or my own faulty memory or what.