Remember Glenn Grothman, the Republican idiot who introduced the bill in the Wisconsin state senate to repeal our state's equal-pay-for-equal-work law? He just keeps having one good idea after another.
From an email I received today from a local Democrat:
Senator Glenn Grothman (R-Wisconsin) apparently introduced Senate Bill 507, which would declare single parenting child abuse.
Grothman also proposes strict cuts in programs that assist single parents with caring for their children, including childcare. He recommended that children spend no more than 40 hours per week in a childcare setting.
According to an audio video on Fox Radio, he targets mothers, wanting to educate them about “abuse and single parenting”, encouraging them not to leave their abusive husbands and go on welfare, telling them they would risk abusing their children to do so. He states that children in two parent households are at lower risk of abuse and believes women know when they are getting into an abusive situation. He believes women purposely have children out of wedlock and abuse their children. He also believes his bill will become law in two years, due to single mothers abusing their children and having children out of wedlock. He even stated that this is not a good reason for birth control for women and believes all women have access to birth control. He also believes women do not become pregnant byaccident. He blames women for the change since the 60s and we should educate women that leaving abusive men and becoming single parents is a mistake.
Thank FSM he is not my senator. Well, maybe not; if he were I could have the unmitigated pleasure of voting against him.