Ten Ways To Feel Like A Kid Again.
- Run through the sprinkler. Or walk, if running is beyond you these days.
- Next time you are at the Dairy Queen, have a cone instead of a sundae. Nothing like a DQ cone in the summertime.
- Play catch with someone. Outdoors. On the grass.
- Ride your bike to the municipal pool or beach. Splash water -- gently! -- at a friend. Omit the obnoxious kid that always did the sneak-up-and-grab-the-boobs-from-behind. Jeez, I hated that kid. I should have kicked him in the nuts back in 1960.
- Ride your bike everywhere.
- Lie in the grass and look at the clouds. Imagine what they are. Make up stories about them.
- Spend a whole day, preferably a weekday, reading a page-turner book.
- Lunch = a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on white bread, accompanied by a big glass of cold milk.
- Catch fireflies in a jar. Put the jar on your nightstand when you go to bed. Optional: cry the next morning when they are dark and dead.
- Sing silly songs with your kids/husband/wife/significant other/neighbors/people on the bus.