Note: I found this in my drafts folder with a scheduled posting date of February 9. Clearly, I wrote it before Christmas but did I ever actually post it? Can't find it on the blog, but I'm SURE I remember someone commenting on the time zone thing.
Whatevs. Here it is, enjoy!
The autism advantage. I have seen something like this firsthand. A young woman with Asperger's Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder, started volunteering at our county library several years ago. Initially she never spoke unless spoken to and never ever met anyone's eyes. The director has worked with her to improve her social skills and she has come a long way. But my point is that the young woman is a master at many of the skills needed in a library -- organization, attention to detail -- and is delighted to be working there. It has been a tremendous win-win for her.
Force your children to listen to this weekly.
We just sent this to our kids. (Thanks to for those last two.)
Random House + Penguin = anarchy. (link via TheBloggess.)
Sometimes you just have to play the music.
Something else from TheBloggess.
Life of Pi re-enacted.
Time zones where you never thought you would see them.
A little something for Crazy Aunt Julia for Christmas, guaranteed to keep the CIA out of her head.
Knitted floor pillows and baskets. (Yes, you could make them for far less and save on the shipping from Denmark!)
Lastly, a bit of humor from @neilgaiman, @amandapalmer, and friend.
Lots of linkies this week. I'm making up for last week.