After surgery there are certain things that are the recuperating patient's friend.
- A kind and generous caregiver, one who can keep the meds straight and the water bottle full and the phone answered.
- Satin sheets and pjs. Oh, how I wish we had known of this last summer when Smokey had his back surgery. It is SO hard to move in the bed when major muscle groups are out of commission. Slippery bedding helps a lot. One of our neighbors clued me in earlier this year; her mother had a hip replacement a few years back. (Remember this for when you/your significant other/your aging parent has major surgery. You can thank me then.)
- An internet appliance to put off boredom.
- Audio, either books or music. I wasn't quite with-it enough to read or listen to audiobooks, but music was perfect. I listened to a lot of newer classical music since I got home, music I don't always have the patience for. Zoe Keating, John Cage, Philip Glass. That has been fun. As soon as I finish this post I'm going to be sure my Steve Reich CD gets onto my iPod.
- These:
I couldn't pee fast enough to dump all the fluids I was getting from the IV. Even after I came home I was swollen all over from fluids. I could make it almost all the distance from my bed to the toilet seat before my bladder would let go. Sheesh. Fun times.
The surgery was Tuesday, June 4 and I came home Friday. Everything went well... until they gave me Cerebrex as an anti-inflamatory.
I discovered that I am allergic.
The post-op surgical and joint pain was nothing compared to the itching. Right now large areas of my body are covered in hives; the swelling in my eyes is nearly gone, and I can sit still for minutes at a time without scratching myself. Oral antihistimines were administered in the hospital to much relief, but they forgot to write an order for them when I was discharged. I suffered over the weekend with Benadryl -- better than nothing, but not much -- until Monday when I got a stronger one.
In other words, all is well again. As proof I offer this: earlier today I was halfway to the bathroom before I realized I had forgotten the walker.