photo credit: disavian via photopin cc
Weird photo of the fortnight.
YouTube complaint department, parts 1 and 2.
If Microsoft redesigned the iPod packaging.
Have you heard [of] Landfill Harmonic?
Just a kitten and some ferrets.
By amazing coincidence, these look exactly like the stairs to our third floor.
Three very short videos of flowers with astonishing sound design.
Second item is excellent life advice (warning: may be NSFW).
This is cool.
The classics... renamed.
Knitting as computation. (found via
High fashion knitting... in prison. (We may have seen this before. It rings a faint bell in my memory.)
If you liked that last one, see her first exhibition.
The ultimate missed connection.
Three pints of ice cream free every day.
Madison, Wisconsin: 60 square miles of heaven surrounded by reality.
* Get it?