My computer has been running v-e-r-y slowly lately. Multi-tasking, like editing photos and uploading them to the blog, has been like molasses in January. I haven't been able to play music in iTunes while I work since [nearly] forever.
I turned to my tech guru, Younger Son. Two weekends ago we deleted a bunch of unnecessary programs that might have been clogging the system. No perceptible improvement. By last Friday the thing was running so slowly and locking up so often that I had to reboot three times before noon. And I don't climb out of bed until nearly ten.
Apparently that frightened the computer so badly (anthropomorphize much, Kat?) that it worked perfectly on Saturday. He and I fiddled with it some more because we knew the improvement was only temporary.
He works in a terminal window "...because that's the only way to really get stuff
done in a Unix-based systems." Um, sure.
"See this error right here? I'm trying to get rid of that." Um, sure.
Researching the problem on his newest phone.
At the same time he was also following the emails flying back and forth between his boss and a customer in Saudi Arabia. Did I mention he changed jobs? He is now a technical services representative with a nearly brand-new company that designs, builds, and sells storage area networks. And stuff.
From the time we got our first home computer in 1989 I was the family IT person, but I began to fall behind the curve a bit when PCs went from being stand-alone machines to networked ones in the late '90s. I can still sorta hold my own, but I am delighted to have passed the torch to YS. He had advanced to sysadmin at his previous job and could go no further there; the new job has a lot of potential for learning, international travel, and financial rewards.
Proud mom signing off here.