photo credit: Ugg & Lee - Marketing and Backlinks via photopin (license)
The 22 stages of visiting your library. Another library gem.
The many and varied possible causes of obesity.
A different kind of homeschooling.
This one is dedicated to our friends in Boston.
I love ballet.
Do you read Victoria Elizabeth Barnes? Because she is hilarious.
Links from Chris. And more. And even more.
Man leaves house wearing unflattering suit and no makeup.
I could have died.
Bookstore sections.
Lakes that look like art.
Cats & snow: helpful, and the best gif of winter.
One reason I sometimes daydream about moving back to MN.
Coolest kitchen gadgets. via
Does your chicken need a sweater?
Eight inches of snow in... Jerusalem?
Epic photos of America's cold snap.
We may be living in a modern mass extinction.