photo credit: Lussekatter via photopin (license)
Google searches reveal what [English-speaking] people really want.
Long live the Oxford comma!
Photos for the OCD in us.*
More on that solution for homelessness that I linked to last week.
Have any of you made your own reed diffuser? I am tempted to try it.
Powerful photos.
How to find Waldo.
How to apologize in the right way.
* Re: those surprisingly pleasing photos on Buzzfeed.
Specifically, #4, where the guy parked his car exactly right so his door opened with 1/4" of clearance. I once parked a rental car in a motel parking lot, forgot to put it in Park (I was used to a standard tranny), got out, and locked the door as I closed it. The car rolled backward and slipped into a parking spot in the next row so perfectly that there was not more than an inch or two clearance anywhere. Its back bumper kissed the front bumper of the Mercedes in the next row just hard enough to stop it but without causing any damage. I had to take a taxi to my appointment the next morning because there was no way for me to get into the car until one of the cars parked next to it left. Of course, the accountant questioned my expense report because I had charged both a rental car and a taxi; the story then circulated around the company because why not.
Also, #10, the purple cables. My son works for a company that installs computer storage networks, and he has developed a slight obsession with cable management. He has been known to text me before and after photos of his cable installs. I sent him that photo with the caption, "Something to aspire to."