Ten Things I Did Over The Memorial Day Weekend.
- Attended our lake association annual meeting.
- Clarified the "20 years of continuous use" part of WI law on adverse possesaion. (Don't ask.)
- Chatted on the phone for an hour with Elder Son. He is working labor and delivery this holiday weekend, and there was no one laboring. Smokey told him about a nurse he once worked with who had said that when she worked labor and delivery she got a lot of knitting done.
- Ate Italian sausage sandwiches.
- Swatched for two afghans I am planning.
- Got up at 9am. That is early for me. I generally wake up sometime between 8 and 9, but I seem to end up spending another hour or three in bed with my iPad. That day I forced myself to get up, let the dogs out, and get dressed. (This retirement gig is a bitch.) (Not.)
- Noticed I had only one link so far for Monday's knitting links post. Fixed same, although not by much.
- Watched several episodes of Criminal Minds on Netflix with Smokey and knitting.
- Waited for Younger Son to get here. (He arrived about 9pm.)
- Had a delightful bacon and gf pancakes breakfast cooked by Smokey and Younger Son.
- Took a 2-hour nap.
- Watched Younger Son migrate the contents of my old computer to the new one.
- Enjoyed having iTunes play while I read email, etc.
- Watched a few more episodes of Criminal Minds.
- Cast off the afghan swatch.
- Returned to the brioche cowl.
- Thought about how easy it would be to weed the garden after the rain we had Sunday and Monday.
- Decided to wear my new plastic clogs when I do that.
All in all, a quiet and restful yet marginally productive weekend. Just the way I like 'em.