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We need to know about the mac and cheese.
Solution for the heat.
Graveyard of discontinued flavors.
How to repeat a song on YouTube.
The kitchen gadget from hell.
Discover the favorite TV series about your state.
On children cleaning their room: "Of course, you will likely still need to vacuum (and release a family of squirrels into their natural habitat)..."
Seven alternative ways to organize your bookshelf(s).
Somewhat related: twelve books [that this guy thinks] every intelligent person should read.
Also vaguely related: 10 Reasons We Love Bookish David Bowie.
Success in the world of the freelance writer.
Query: what's wrong with this kitten?
How to restore mealtime like it was in the 1980s.
Sticky bookmarks! Hidey-holes!
Which book protagonist are you?
Imagine if the journey to Mt. Doom took nine years instead of just one.