photo credit: Rusty chain via photopin (license)
Extinct tree grows anew from ancient jar of seeds unearthed by archaeologists.
Just another Tuesday in Canada, etc...
Self-destructing... mosquitoes?
Meditation (audio NSFW).
Cool stairs. via
"The odds of the very big one are roughly one in ten."
Let's give the guns to women.
Recipe for the day: Schadenfreude pie.
"...also, sometimes a dragon will melt somebody’s car and it’s a whole problem.”
I wish a clerk would say this to me.
Canadians: nicest people on earth.
Depression described.
Carpet surfing.
Learning to ride a bike as an adult: it's a thing.
What color is this song.
Chris has links for you.
You know it's bad...
Never-aired scenes from Downton Abbey.
Attention: birdwatchers.
When cucumbers attack.