photo credit: Home Made Ice Cream via photopin (license)
My Ten Favorite Flavors Of Ice Cream.
- Mint chocolate chip, aka peppermint bon bon, preferably in the slightly melted state shown below. Best is Blue Bunny.
- Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk.
- Häagen-Daz® Swiss Almond Vanilla.
- Any ice cream that has swirls of fudge or hunks of chocolate. But not chocolate ice cream -- the chocolate flavor is not sufficiently intense. Ordinary chocolate is not enough; it must be fudgey.
- Vanilla with a splash of amaretto or creme de menthe or Fra Angelico or even triple sec.
That's it. Don't bother me with your strawberry or your rocky road or your sherbet or your sorbet/gelato/ices. If it doesn't have my preferred intense chocolate or a liqueur, I'm not interested.